God Is A Rewarder—He Will Owe No One

One of the privileges of being a brand ambassador. I had this delivered to my hotel at Umuahia sometime in February.

On my 60th birthday, Mudi Africa also made a dress for me, very expensive and very beautiful. The package alone attracted comments from people who knew Mudi Africa and his clients.

Lessons of Life

1. I was once told by my host in a church, I went to preach, that my wife and I don’t dress well, and that my wife should go buy clothes on credit from his wife’s shop. I went to look at the shop and I could buy the land and all the contents of the shop and pay the wife a good salary. I told him then that I was in my farming season, and that I don’t need to dress expensively to farm.

2. I taught the owner of Jerek Clothing as a very young man, at Church of God Mission, 39 Umuola Road Ogbor hill, Aba. I was the Men’s Fellowship leader then, and his father was a very young man then. He was just newly married, and l led them with all my heart, and we were very good friends.

3. I built two lines of life.

a. I did ministry without thinking of making financial gain as my primary motive, alongside Bishop Johnnie Mensah Abraham and others. We just loved God and services to humanity. We took care of lepers and motherless babies. We scrubbed toilets of remand home children and gave them baths. We also took care of prisoners.

But God is a rewarder, even here on earth.

b. My wife and I, by the grace of God, built an economic base.

A young man at Abuja was asking me when my frugality will stop. He informed me of what I already know people say about me at Ughelli, that am so miserly, and that I was wicked to myself. But I succeeded in building a financial base that I don’t have to work to feed now. I was able to train 3 children in Europe, buying foreign currency exchange in Naira because of my frugality.

That’s what mattered to me.

4. If you have been following me, you must have observed that there was a time I was preaching from the farm fellowship even from a wheel barrow with singlets. But you must have noticed that I have been flying and moving from city to city, hotel to hotel (all expense paid) for some time now.

When you make a mark, people pay for what others labour to get. Legitimately make meaning in the lives of people, and other things will follow. In fact, a driver was sent all the way to Ughelli to take me to Umuahia and bring me back (all paid for by the church); I did not ask for it. I just told them I was coming with public transportation, and they said, “Never!”

5. Follow God’s plan for your life, follow your lane, run your race, don’t compare or compete with others.

Be patient with God and with yourself. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Jesus told his disciples that your father in heaven knows you need what heathens run after.

You must have noticed that I’m very relaxed about life.

Onosakponome‘ in Urhobo language means, “Who can say (s)he owns this world?“. Onojakaroma means, “There is nobody without a need“. Imagine, Dangote has no wife at home!

Jerek Clothing, God Bless You, Sir.

God bless you all, my dear brethren. Yours is coming soon.

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