My granddaughter woke up very early and insisted she must be in the ceremony.

She wanted to be everywhere with me.

The site was still very rough so I had to carry her on my back. I carried her mother on my back too as a child, just like Mimi, Ufuoma, and Ese. My mother also carried me on her back. I remember vividly the day she fell with me on her back near the Afiesere bridge, that junction where Amekpa meets Afiesere town in Delta State. The road was quite slippery then. On our way back I had to caution her to tread carefully because of the incidence in the morning.

I know that my granddaughter will not forget my 62nd birthday.

One of the reasons I did the groundbreaking ceremony on my birthday is for the date to be like a diamond, always ever bright in the minds of the family and future generations.

That’s part of eternal life.

God Bless You.

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