Life is full of contradictory circumstances.

Life is full of contradictory circumstances, but don’t make contradictory decisions because of contradictory circumstances.

Don’t relocate to where you are not supposed to be. Don’t use your teeth to divide what you forbid because of hunger.

Even in your most contradictory circumstances and decisions, God is not far away. He can still work out something on schedule to fulfill your purpose and destiny.

In such circumstances, the capacity to get and process relevant information is very essential.

After processing information, the courage to take the hard decisions is very essential. Don’t always seek the easy way out of some circumstances.

Decisions without actions are as good as no decisions at all.

Don’t listen to discouraging statements. Sometimes, you earn your miracle.

When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined, she allowed her to join her to Bethlehem.

Great challenges require great determination.

When you feel like settling down for the easy way out, by going back to your comfort zone, like Orpah, raise your faith bar, press on.

No matter what has happened, there is hope.

There is a name in my native language, Akpojobaro, which means, “there is till life and living ahead“.

God Bless You.

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