Destiny Helpers Don’t Always Reside Up There

My first visitor today will pass for an ordinary man, but he is very knowledgeable about farming.

He sold an idea on how to make money from sugarcane cultivation.

I have a lot of sugarcane stems in my school, and I have the very suitable land.

It took this man to marry my two assets by opening my eyes to the potential wealth in sugarcane cultivation.

Don’t look down on anyone; don’t only seek to be connected to people above you.

There are lots of destiny helpers beside and below you.

They don’t always reside up there.

It was a captive housemaid in the Bible that was Naaman’s destiny helper. She introduced him to Elisha and his “executive” leprosy was healed.

It was an office girl that opened my eyes to the tape ministry that was of great help to me then.

Don’t be too proud to listen to those you consider less than you.

I learnt a great lesson today.

God bless you.

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