The Principle of Gradualism

Lessons of Life

1. Every big challenge is made up units of challenges. The solutions also come in small units.

2. Break every challenge into it’s component units.

3. Strategically attack each unit or a few at a time.

4. Your first successes will usually motivate you to move forward.

However, don’t let any obstacles discourage you. Keep pushing forward prayerfully.

5. Make sure you regularly chip away at the challenges.

When you are discouraged, always remind yourself that nothing comes easy. Look out for those who have overcome such difficulties. Draw inspiration from them.

Ask questions and consult others who have succeeded.

6. Sometimes you will question your sanity or wisdom; it’s normal.

People have questioned my sanity several times. I have questioned mine too. Normal only get normal results.

7. Do not let people meet you where and how they left you. Keep improving on your strategy, systems and structure.

8. Develop passion and pace but don’t be desperate.

Try as much as possible to avoid debts and questionable risks.

9. Deliberately develop a net work of people with like passion and purposeful living.

God bless you.

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