Economic Prophecy—Ruga Settlements

Following the recent uproar caused by “Ruga” Settlements, which is an initiative from the Federal Government to provide ranching for nomadic herdsmen in places all over the country, I remember a time when I talked about this in many places. One of such was in this Facebook post.

The church could have started “Churchga” settlements with all the land we possess across the nation.

Excerpts from the post:

Churches and members must become more entrepreneurial in their thinking.

Imagine a church owning a cattle ranch in Enugu State with 10,000 cows. The Catholic church in Enugu, Anambra, Imo, and Abia states can jointly own it. If not, one each.

We can drive Fulani herdsmen from the market easily and prevent the violent clashes that happen on occasion of their nomadic ranching activities.

Winners Chapel can easily own such farms in several states.

The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Deeper Life, Baptist, and Assemblies of God Churches in Nigeria can open some of the biggest and most sophisticated poultry farms in Africa.

Imagine the jobs that will be created.

Abraham was a big farmer.

That was 3 years ago when I was speaking in Christian Pentecostal Mission, Aba. To be relevant in the 21st century, ministry must move beyond where we are now (spirtualizing everything and concentrating on the devil) and start thinking of ways to be more productive.

We must be relevant on earth here and occupy spiritually, physically, materially, and financially, if we are to really spread God’s Kingdom.

We must also think beyond just existing here and escaping to heaven—that isn’t God’s plan for us. If it was, then there was no need for us to be born.

God Bless You.

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