Speaking on Saturday, February 9th on a “Capacity Building” seminar to members of a Cooperative Society.

My lectures on financial intelligence and investment options prior to, and in, retirement has revealed a few truths to me.

  1. A lot working adults are financially ignorant. They do not understand basic issues concerning making money, managing money, and maintenance of the supply of money. They live from month to month, year to year, without an exit plan.
  2. A lot of them live with a slave mentality. A slave hardly thinks of becoming financially independent and existing outside the influence of the master. They are enslaved by the job mentality and they derive their relevance and importance from their grade level in the civil service and how much they can extract from customers by creating obstacles and a gridlock.
  3. Consequent upon the above, they develop a wrong and arrogant approach to people such that they will find it difficult to handle customers.
  4. Because of their naivety and lackadaisical attitudes as civil servants, many of them fail in businesses they establish and they end up losing their pension grants to fraudulent fellows.
  5. It is very wrong to start preparing for retirement three months to your exit from a company/job. You ideally plan your exit even before you start the job.

I was shocked to hear from one of the workers that he had never attended a seminar on retirement plans until the one I presented.

The future starts now. Plan for old age when you are young, even if you are self-employed.

Benjamin Franklin rightly said, “Life’s tragedy is we get old too soon and wise too late.

Gloria Pitzer said, “About the only thing that comes to us without effort is old age.

Someone also said, “There is no rung that prepares you in the corporate ladder for the final one—retirement“.

God Bless You.


  1. This is a very good development. I like this seminar because it put us on high level of planning for our old age so that we wantn’t suffer at old age. This is likened to the dreams of king Pharaoh which Joseph interpreted. In my summary he that fail to plan has plan to fail.

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