Thinking About My Fatherland

When ineptitude can be so accurately predicted, as I did in my TV interview about the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), despite their assurances, I am afraid for my country.

When people handle national assignments with such recklessness at the level of a professor, I want to question the criteria for appointment into public offices in Nigeria. Has this INEC chairman effectively managed any business or institution before now?

I am forced to ask, because how can you deploy election materials to states without police or military protection? Would he allow valuable and expansive materials for his birthday party to be left unguarded? Was he not aware that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) were a threat to the elections and, by extension, anything associated with the elections.

IPOB is not responsible for burning the materials. However, if you can undertake operation Python Dance for unarmed IPOB, why can’t you ensure the safety of election materials?

Does the professor not have enough analytical common sense to have backup materials? Or why would he allow schools to be closed for days and suddenly come from a coven and disrupt our educational system again?

Did he not plan well for four years?

Why would he go ahead and recruit our young graduates serving in areas of national assignments far from home and abandon them to sleep in open spaces and parked vehicles? Does he have value for human life?

Has he even imagined the disruption of the plans of several people, examinations, weddings, seminars, burials, and travel plans? What of the cost implications for the political parties and the politicians or even the electorate that have traveled home to vote?

How did we become a people that don’t care about how we treat people?

How come we have become a nation that manufactures excuses for every failure?

How come we fail to plan well for nearly everything including football and other sports? There was a time we forgot jerseys for an international match.

How come we no longer have a sense of national pride?

We are as shameless as a lunatic who keeps embarrassing his family members. It is the same ineptitude that has made all the killings in Nigeria continue for years from government to government.

If not ineptitude, could this man be acting a script written by an evil hand or he has no mind of his own?

Have we become a failed state?

If I ask you, who will you ask? It’s a frustrating experience.


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