The story I want to share about my journey is still on going.

The picture above is the sunrise as seen from my wife’s bedroom door through the sitting room to our balcony upstairs.

One distinguishing factor between the rich and the poor is where they live and the part of town where they reside.

I became aware of the fact that I was living in a mud house in primary school. This haunted me to my university days. I used to think that I was the only one from a mud house in the whole university. Definitely, I was the only one amongst my friends. There was no electricity and no pipe-borne water. When we use the toilet, heaven and earth would bear witness because there was no roof. Sometimes, we used the bush behind Hussey College, Warri. I never used tissue paper until I got to Secondary School. My mum used to make akamu (corn pap) a lot, so we used the maize cub after removing the corn  to clean up (For those that understand, you know now!)

Just about 20 meters from our house was a block house inhabited by a family. They had a car, their kids wore Clarke’s sandals, and they were chauffeured to school. For me, I trekked to school with bare feet. I was not jealous, but I told myself that I will live like that someday. I eventually ended up in the same medical school with one of those children. She graduated one year before me. At least I graduated as a doctor, even though I borrowed the books I read, the shoes, and ward coat for the exams. One pair of shoes I had were of two different sizes—7 and 8.

I eventually ended up as a house officer in the same hospital where the mother of those children worked as a matron. She invited all the house officers to the GRA (Government Reserved Area) where they had relocated. I was also resident in another part of the same GRA. She told them that she had organised the dinner to celebrate my drive to succeed in life.

When I sold my hospital and came to Ughelli, my wife and I rented a flat in an old house. The floor had the maps of several countries where the floor had been patched with cement. It was very embarrassing. I hardly received visitors at home for many years. I usually received them in the school to avoid any embarrassment. We managed to put tiles on the floor of the toilet at that home.

It happened that I traveled to preach in South Africa sometime in the early 2000’s. I visited a young doctor’s residence and I could see myself reflect from the floor tiles. There and then I told myself I would build a duplex and my floor will have tiles that will reflect my face.

When I saw this reflection from my wife’s bedroom, my spirit reminded me how faithful God has been good to this poor boy from the ghetto.

My school toilets can compete with the best hotel toilets in my city. The walls of my school have been tiled.

God is faithful, He hears your faintest cry and your smallest desires.

Don’t give up yet. Hold on to your dreams. My God will surprise you beyond your imaginations. He is good, and with Him all things are possible.

God Bless You.

Make plans to attend Word and Wisdom Conference on 1st of October, 2018, at Petra Christian Academy.




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