Exit Plans
Speaking on Saturday, February 9th on a “Capacity Building” seminar to members of a Cooperative Society. My lectures...

The Principle Of Accumulation And The Cascading Years
A few days ago, I wrote about Making The Years Cascade Into Each Other. One of the problems...

Making The Years Cascade Into Each Other
In my previous post on The New Year Has Started, I talked about things I have come to realize as...

Simulation And Sustainability [2]
In the first post on Simulation and Sustainability, we looked at the dangers of simulation and how it...

Simulation And Sustainability
Our visit to Tinapa, on the 1st of September, brought mixed emotions to me. At the same time,...

Understanding Dynamics of Life—Exception and Exemption
In the continuing series on Law of Exemption and Exception, we look at the changing dynamics Isaac had to...

Getting Through The Crowd To The Crown
A lot of individuals face challenges in life. A time comes when your tribe, nationality, past experiences, race,...

A New You In A New Year
One year I thanked God for the new year and I heard clearly that you have just been...

The Lean Cows Are Not Far Away – The Prodigal Son
In the previous posts on the prodigal son we’ve looked at the importance of Family Unity and The...

Lessons from the Prodigal Son – The 6 P’s of Wealth
In the first post on the Prodigal Son, we looked at how he broke the protective covering of...