In the first post on law of exception and exemption we saw some people who were exempted from some certain kingdom laws either because of their determination to survive, doggedness of character, or grace.

In this post we’ll be looking at certain periods in Isaac’s life. Isaac in the land of Gerar is like the Church of God in a hostile world.

Text: Genesis 26:1, 12-14

Now there was a famine in the land—besides the previous famine in Abraham’s time—and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar. 


Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him.

There are some questions we must answer after reading the passages above.

  1. Where did Isaac get seeds from to plant?
  2. How did he get land to plant?
  3. Why did the famine not affect his farm?
  4. How did he acquire livestock and servants?



1. Isaac was a frugal man.

He had a large grain reserve from his previous harvests. He was not like Nigeria as a country that squandered her oil windfall. Learn to save for the proverbial rainy day or the rainless days as in this case. He also did not throw little seeds away. He was frugal in times of abundance and in little times.

Be very frugal this year. Those of you working in oil companies, banks, and political offices must learn to save.

2. Isaac must have been buying land in the days prior to the famine when there was abundance.

Dear young man or woman reading this, I beg you in the name of God, acquire real estate. Isaac must have bought new lands during the famine during the economic melt down. Properties are cheaper during periods like this that we are in right now in Nigeria. Get set to buy properties. You are also never too old to start acquiring landed properties.

3. Cheap labour

With the famine, there was scarcity of money and food; subsequently, labour was cheaper. Isaac could therefore acquire more servants to cultivate more lands.

4. Isaac had deeper wells

The wells Isaac dug were much deeper than those of the natives who depended on rainfall and windfall—”I’m waiting to hammer” or “I must hit it big” mindset. This is also the mindset of the salary earner. You can’t survive economic collapse on a fixed salary.

The well Jacob gave to Joseph in John 4 was 138 feet deep when it was excavated in 1945. Jesus also drank from that well. That was more than 1800 years later because Joseph was born in 1774 BC.

5. Grace

Isaac reaped a hundred fold because grace came upon his seeds and they became graciously-modified species, not genetically-modified. God pumped water into his well from below. And the dew of heaven watered his seeds at night from above.

6. Attention to details

Note that Isaac was a good record keeper, hence he knew the percentage increase. Most Christians don’t keep records and they don’t pay attention to details. There is no great man or woman who doesn’t pay attention to little details.

7. Posterity and legacy

Just like the picture in this post Isaac had a long term view.

This is your season of greatness. You will prosper in the midst of famine and hostility.

God Bless You.


  1. Full of knowledge and colour. God bless you continuously Sir. Receive Grace

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