Serious Lessons We Must Learn From the Flooding in Lagos.

The heavy downpour that caused widespread flooding has left many of our people in distress, and my heart goes out to all those who have been affected. Let us continue to pray for strength, protection, and resources for those who are dealing with the aftermath of this natural disaster.

The Impact of Flooding:

The recent flooding in Lagos has been devastating, damaging food supplies, electronics, vehicles, and homes across the city. Imagine people struggling to carry the remaining of their belongings and at the same time, trying to save their lives, it is not a pleasant imagination.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Nature’s Power and Human Vulnerability: This event starkly illustrates our vulnerability to the force of nature. Regardless of our beliefs or social status, the floodwater did not discriminate. It humbled us, reminding us of the equality of humanity in the face of natural disasters.
  2. Unity in Adversity: During the flooding, I witnessed a profound unity among people. The calamity did not care if it was a Lamborghini or a modest vehicle; both were rendered powerless. It is a stark reminder that material possessions and social status hold no sway in times of crisis.
  3. Societal Response and Lessons in Simplicity: Amidst the chaos, I saw acts of kindness where people helped each other cross flooded areas. It taught me that in moments of crisis, simplicity and humility shine brightest. Conversely, there were unfortunate incidents of extortion, highlighting the need for integrity and compassion in our youth.
  4. Economic Realities and Social Justice: The flooding also raises awareness about economic disparities. As Governor Andrew rightly said, “When things go wrong, the poor pay the highest price.” Our policies and responses to disasters must prioritize the most vulnerable among us.
  5. Infrastructure and Preparedness: Looking forward, projects like the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Road must consider rising water levels and coastal surges. Proper infrastructure planning is vital to mitigate future disasters and protect our communities.

Moving Forward Together:

As we reflect on these lessons, it’s clear that our actions today determine our resilience tomorrow. We must advocate for responsible governance, equitable policies, and proactive disaster preparedness. Each of us has a role in building a more resilient community, regardless of political affiliations or social status.


In conclusion, let us stand together in solidarity with our fellow Lagosians and Nigerians affected by the flooding. Let us support relief efforts, offer kindness to those in need, and advocate for sustainable solutions to prevent future disasters.

God bless Lagos State, Nigeria, and strengthen our people during these challenging times.

Warm regards.

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