Speaking to the Students and Workers of Petra Christian Academy, Ughelli, on Responsibility

The altitude you reach in life is determined by the responsibilities your are able to effectively discharge.

You owe responsibility to God, yourself, your parents, society, and the environment.

The challenges we have today in Africa are typical in a dysfunctional society.

I started taking care of lepers, prisoners, and children in the remand home and rural dwellers since my early 30’s at Aba.

God rewards responsibility. Jesus assumed responsibility early and he grew in stature and wisdom and obtained favour from God and man.

I encouraged them (my students and workers) to take initiative and cultivate a sense of responsibility. I reminded them how they donated materials some years back for a crippled man and his children at Otokutu-Agbarah. I also treated them for scabies.

I appealed to them to bring used clothes, noodles, detergent etc. for the people affected by the flooding.

Thanks to all our donors. We still need more donations.

God Bless You All.

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