Ugen or Anaconda Business Principle. Very Insightful


In the Uro language, there’s a traditional fish trap called “ugugun.” The way it works is by barricading a river or stream, creating specific outlets for water to flow through, and then placing the fish trap. The fish swim toward the openings and end up getting trapped. In business, you can apply a similar principle, which I call the “Anaconda Business Principle.” This involves understanding where the business tide is moving, where people and resources will flow, and then setting your trap in that direction. Wait patiently, like an anaconda, for the right opportunity to present itself.

When I started my ministry, I began with much enthusiasm and prayer, asking God to manifest His power so that people would pay attention to my teachings. At that time, there was a strong focus on the miraculous and the imminent Rapture. Many people were living with an escapist mentality, focused on the Rapture rather than investments or real estate. I remember someone questioning why I was buying land, as they believed the Rapture was near.

Despite these challenges. My lawyer often told me that people were listening to my messages, but I took it for granted and continued being consistent. As the economies of different nations faced downturns and the Rapture was delayed, people began to confront the reality of aging and their long-term future.

Churches, once populated by young believers, were now filled with people in their 60s who had not seen immediate earthly rewards for their faith and sacrifices. Many were questioning their stagnation and frustration. Consequently, leaders from various denominations began inviting me to speak on wealth creation. I conducted these seminars consistently, which led to recognition from one of the oldest Pentecostal churches in Nigeria, the Assemblies of God Church. I travelled across Nigeria, teaching about wealth creation.

Initially, some criticized me, calling me a motivational speaker and questioning my spirituality. However, as I consistently applied my principles and produced results, the same people who once criticized me began praising me. Building a reputation is crucial; when the tide shifts and the value you offer becomes relevant, people will seek you out.

My dedication to consistent results and reputation-building has led to significant opportunities. Companies and organizations now approach me for lectures on retirement and wealth creation, offering substantial fees for my services. For instance, a company booked me into a high-end hotel for two days, paid for my flight, and treated me well to discuss aging, relevance, and retirement.

Today, I am considered a successful individual by many standards, and I am now in demand because of the reputation I have built. So, ask yourself: What are you known for? Consistently producing results will help you build a brand, and when the need arises, people will come to you.

I also have real estate available for sale. The properties I acquired while others prepared for the Rapture are now available, and I am making a profit from them.

God bless you, and may you apply these principles for success.

Thanks for a good read.

I am your friend. Dr. Charles Apoki

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