One of the Reasons I Stopped Medical Practice at 40

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have reached out after watching my videos and the podcast by The Honest Bunch with Nedu. The response has been overwhelming, with calls and messages pouring in from China, the UK, the US, and various other countries. Your wonderful comments mean a lot to me.

Why I Stopped Medical Practice at 40

I always aspired to be a social commentator and a global citizen, which is why I made the decision to stop practicing medicine at the age of 40. Today, I want to share the journey that brought me here and how we continue to move forward.

Journey to Global Recognition

The Honest Bunch podcast, which has garnered over 1 million views, significantly contributed to my increased visibility. Initially, the team behind the podcast thought I lived in Lagos, but I actually reside in a small town. They arranged for me to fly first class to Lagos for the interview, demonstrating their commitment and belief in my message. Since then, I have participated in numerous interviews with media outlets from the UK, Ghana, Kenya, and more.

Key Lessons and Daily Practices

Here are some essential tips and practices that have helped shape my journey:

Daily Reflection and Prayer

  1. Self-Assessment: Ask yourself daily, “What can I do to move from where I am to where I need to be?”
  2. Seek Divine Guidance: Pray for ideas and inspiration. For instance, a simple prayer for a trending video led to one of my videos gaining nearly 400,000 views in three weeks.

Positive Mindset

Many of the prayers we often hear in Africa are rooted in fear—fear of enemies, witches, and demons. Instead, focus on your potential, your society, and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to bring out the best in you.

Learn from Past Mistakes

Reflect on what you didn’t do well in the past and make necessary corrections:

  1. Limit Friendships: Avoid having too many friends that can distract you.
  2. Reduce Overcommitment: Limit involvement in too many activities, especially religious ones.
  3. Prioritize Self-Reliance: Stop carrying other people’s burdens and start acting independently.

Act on Ideas

  1. Walk Alone When Necessary: Don’t always wait for others, even your spouse. Be bold and take initiative.
  2. Trust Your Intuition: Pay attention to your instincts and inner guidance. These insights often lead to innovative ideas.

Upcoming Seminar

I invite you to join my online seminar on the 7th and 8th of June at 7 PM Nigerian time. For registration details, send a message to +234 7052 13 6763 on WhatsApp, and I will send you the flyer. Also, I have properties for sale, so feel free to reach out for more information.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. God bless you.

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