An Urgent Need for African Economic Integration and Visa-Free Travels

I’m your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to share some thoughts on a crucial matter—African economic integration and visa-free travel. As I head to Barcelona this morning, I can’t help but reflect on something that’s been bothering me. Recently, I had the chance to see firsthand how Romania, after joining the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area, has witnessed massive improvements in its infrastructure, roads, and overall development.

Romania’s progress has been extraordinary since becoming part of the EU. It makes me wonder—what’s the purpose of African regional bodies like ECOWAS and the African Union (AU)? Shouldn’t we, in Africa, be seeing similar progress in infrastructure, governance, and commerce through our unions?

We hear so much about the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA), and our leaders gather at AU and ECOWAS summits. But I can’t help but feel that these gatherings often seem more like jamborees for presidents. Some of them even fall asleep during these meetings, while they are accompanied by large entourages from countries like Nigeria. Are these summits actually resulting in concrete plans for uniform development, economic integration, and improvements in democracy?

Africa must move beyond just talking. We need to take serious steps toward genuine integration and collaboration. We should be focusing on how these regional bodies can lead to real progress—improving governance, infrastructure, and commerce across the continent. If we want our continent to thrive, it’s not enough for individual countries to develop in isolation. We must work together.

Anyone who still thinks Romania is underdeveloped is outdated. The level of transformation they’ve experienced since joining the EU and Schengen is remarkable. Africa must start thinking along similar lines if we hope to experience widespread growth and development.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. Remember, I have a webinar coming up on the 8th and 9th of November, titled Becoming a Person of Influence. To register today. God bless you

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