THE FUTURE IS VERY UNPREDICTABLE.. Don't hang your life on someone's life.


I just came back from a walk, and I want to share something important with you. The greatest mistake you can make is to place your future in someone else’s hands. If you believe that your job will secure your future, think again. Anything can happen—companies can close, and you can be retrenched. For example, there are professors in Nigeria who haven’t been paid for months. I will do a video on that and discuss it further.

Another point to consider is your children. In today’s world, it takes time for children to settle down. Even at my age, I still need to guide and provide for some of my children to help them become stable. Don’t depend on anyone—not as a wife on a husband, and not even into old age—because you never know what could happen.

Don’t rely on a single stream of income, particularly a salary. For those of you in the diaspora, find something you can do, no matter how small. The key to becoming a person of high net worth is consistency in generating income from multiple streams, always keeping a legacy in mind. Take, for example, this beautiful school I invested in—it will outlive me. Some of my friends squandered their money on luxuries, entertainment, unnecessary travels, and fashion, but I focused on the future. Today, I’m a comfortable, young-at-heart grandfather.

I am your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

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