BUILD Your Life With Secrecy Before Seeking Publicity | Solitude Is Rewarding


Don’t spend your youthful energy, or even your energy at any age, being everywhere without going anywhere. I’ve observed the lives of many people around me, including comedians, traveling evangelists, and masters of ceremonies. They are everywhere, but they are nowhere. Even if you’re an evangelist, an MC, a comedian, or whoever, you must spend time alone. Being reclusive and spending time alone form a wall around yourself—create a barrier around yourself.

Have you ever noticed that when they are building big towers, skyscrapers, or prominent buildings, there is a fence around the periphery? Put a fence around your life. Have you noticed that where prominent people live is fenced, but where poor people live, there’s no restriction? A life without restriction means you eat everywhere, drink everywhere, and follow every woman. Anything that is on board, you wear, you partake, and you do. You cannot go far with such a lifestyle.

Do you think Davido just wakes up and sings those songs? No, there is a time he spends alone, meditating and developing the song before he comes out. Do you think Usain Bolt just comes out and starts running? No, there was a time he incubated himself before he came out. The same thing with Michael Phelps, who used to swim 8 hours every day. The same with Chad le Clos of South Africa, who spent 8 hours swimming every day for 12 years, and the same with Charles Colin of Singapore. When you see prominent people in different places, there’s something bigger they are aiming for, but when they were incubating themselves, you didn’t know them.

Stop seeking to become a public figure without content, character, cash, connection, or career; it will destroy you. Even with social media, you can create content as a young person, but you can’t do it into old age. Look at Mick Jagger, the one who originated rock ‘n’ roll; he can’t sing now in old age. If not for good men like Brian Johnson, who made his song trend again, he would have been alone in old age, needing resources.

Let me tell you this: most of those you are struggling to impress when you are young won’t be there when you are old, when you need people the most. Many of the churches I preached around don’t call me any longer. Many of the places and people I worked and travelled with—I don’t see them anymore; they have their own lives to care for. Most of those Mick sang for when he was younger are not around. If not for Brian Johnson, they would not have been around.

So please, when you are young, incubate your life. Spend time developing yourself. Don’t let church distract you. Ask yourself: when did your general overseer start his ministry? Was he much younger than you? Check the successful people; most of them don’t go around preaching in different churches. Even if they do, they make sure they consolidate their ministry. Don’t spread your life all over the place. Condense it, consolidate it, find time for yourself, and do well.

I remain Dr. Charles Apoki

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