Dr. Apoki's Blog

I Have Tasted the Goodness of God. No Matter What, I Will Still Serve Him.

I am in Benin City to speak to the Men’s Fellowship of the Church of God Mission International Incorporated at the Balm of Gilead. Men from all over the country and our branches in the diaspora have gathered here. One of the things I want to share with you is the advantage of time and the experience I have gained over the years.

Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness:

As I entered the Balm of Gilead, I saw many men who were once bachelors when I started leading and teaching them in the youth class. Now, they are executive members of the Men’s Fellowship of the Church of God Mission International. They even led the delegation from Aba. It is a testament to God’s faithfulness and reward for those who diligently seek Him.

“God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” — Hebrews 11:6

Don’t serve God for immediate gains or recognition. Don’t serve God for high service to any man of God. Serve God with a sincere heart, seeking only to please Him.

My Journey and God’s Guidance:

I set up the Men’s Fellowship and led them effectively, and, my team and I went around several towns and villages in Imo and Abia States setting up Men’s Fellowship groups. Today, I am in one of the best hotels in Benin City, treated like royalty, reflecting on God’s goodness.

I remember a significant day in 1990 when God spoke to me. He told me I would become the leader of the men and gave me specific instructions. I followed His guidance, and we achieved great strides during my tenure. Others have taken over and continue to make even greater strides.

“Serve this God; He will owe no man.”

Don’t look at your pastor, the leadership of your denomination, or what is going wrong around you. Just serve God. There are many videos and stories about men and women of God exploiting people. Ignore the noise and serve God faithfully.

I told my friend, Dr. Kingsley Oj, my classmate in medical school, that even if I, who got born again before him, were to go astray, he should still serve this God. He is a good God. If anyone else goes astray, I will still serve this God. I am not perfect, not even normal, and certainly not always nice, but I have experienced the goodness of God.

God bless you.

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