TWO Mad People Can’t Jointly Own and Drive a Car Together | I Treasure My Madness.

“Two mad people can’t jointly own and drive a car together.” This saying encapsulates a fundamental principle I hold dear – the importance of independence and self-reliance.

Embracing My Unique Path:

One of the greatest liberties I cherish in life is my independence. I have never allowed anyone to consider it a privilege to associate with me – not even my closest family members. Why? Because I firmly believe that each of us carries our unit of “madness,” our unique way of thinking and living. When two conflicting units of madness collide, there’s bound to be friction.

Lessons Learned from Life’s Challenges:

Throughout my journey, I have faced significant losses, including losing both my parents within a short span and all my brothers. These experiences have taught me resilience and the ability to stand alone. I once sold my hospital and left medical practice, demonstrating that there is nothing I cannot do without. This independence has been liberating, allowing me to navigate life’s uncertainties without being held hostage by anyone or anything.

Upholding Personal Freedom:

There was a time when I had to make tough decisions, even asking members to leave my church because they mistakenly believed they were doing me a favour by attending. Today, I look back and see how those decisions paved the way for greater, personal and spiritual growth. Independence means being free to stand your ground, to pursue your path without compromising your principles.

Conclusion: Celebrating Freedom

I want to encourage each of you to treasure your own “madness,” your uniqueness, and your independence. Don’t let anyone hold you hostage or dictate your worth. As the saying goes, “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” Embrace your journey, celebrate your freedom, and live boldly.

May you walk in freedom and peace, God bless you.

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