Merchandising the Gospel

It is such a pity that gospel the that was preached to us freely, now comes with a price tag. The teachings of my mentor, Bishop B C Edohasim, strictly caution against “filthy lucre,” I cannot help but observe the trends and practices that have emerged within our faith communities.

The Disturbing Trends:

In recent years, we have witnessed a concerning shift where some church leaders and individuals within the Christian community have turned aspects of our faith into commodities. From selling anointed handkerchiefs to promising miraculous financial returns for hefty investments, this is a dangerous precedent being set.

Symbolism Over Substance:

It is troubling to see how easily people gravitate towards symbols and objects rather than seeking true spiritual and practical guidance. Instead of investing in books on financial management or attending seminars on wealth creation, many prefer to believe in the symbolic power of items blessed by pastors. This reliance on symbols and rituals leads to exploitation and financial manipulation.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities:

Unfortunately, there is a segment of the population that is vulnerable to manipulation. These individuals often place blind trust in spiritual leaders, hoping for miracles and blessings without understanding the principles of God’s wisdom. This vulnerability is exploited through hyped-up promises, and sensational testimonies, which often lead to financial exploitation.

The Cost of Knowledge and Wisdom:

I have experienced the reluctance of churchgoers to invest in their education and personal growth. At the same time, comedians and musicians command exorbitant fees for entertainment at church events, seminars on financial literacy and business development struggle to attract attendees unless a price tag is attached. This phenomenon has led me to charge for my seminars on wealth creation, as I have found that people value and apply knowledge more when they have invested in it financially.

Ethical and Practical Challenges:

The challenge extends beyond financial exploitation to ethical considerations. Selling items like blessed water or healing soap raises questions about the true essence of spirituality and the motives behind such practices. Are we serving the spiritual needs of our congregations, or are we capitalizing on their faith for personal gain?

A Call to Reflection and Change:

As we navigate these complex issues, church leaders and congregants must reflect deeply on the true purpose of our faith. We must prioritize spiritual growth, genuine community support, and ethical stewardship over materialistic pursuits and sensationalism.


In conclusion, remember that the gospel should never be reduced to a commodity or a tool for financial gain. It is a message of love, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment that transcends material wealth. I urge each of you to seek wisdom, discernment, and a deeper understanding of God’s principles in your spiritual journey.

God bless you abundantly.

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