How to Progress Despite Household Wickedness | What My Father Taught Me

Jeremiah 5:26, which says, “For among my people are found wicked men; they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.” This thing has been from the beginning.

The Reality of Household Wickedness:

Jeremiah was an anointed man from the womb, yet he acknowledged the presence of wicked men among his people, who set traps to catch men. This reality is something many of us can relate to. The greatest challenges and attacks often come from those closest to us—our household, our community, our colleagues. These are the people who, instead of supporting us, may try to pull us down.

Lessons from My Father:

One of the most valuable lessons my father taught me was to distance myself from such negativity. He advised me to go far from home for my education, which is why I chose the University of Ife instead of a university closer to home. I stayed in the East for 15 years until I was 40, long after my father had passed away.

My father knew the dangers of staying too close to those who might harbor jealousy or ill will. By staying away, I avoided many physical and spiritual difficulties.

Facing Criticism and Attacks:

When I started my online social media activities, the greatest critics and attackers were people close to me—those in the same city or town, young men from my tribe. They called me names, questioned my credentials, and doubted my intentions. Despite their criticism, I pressed forward, knowing that true progress often comes with opposition.

Moving Forward with Vision and Determination:

To progress despite household wickedness, you must:

  1. Distance Yourself from Negativity: Sometimes, moving away from those who do not support you is necessary for growth.
  2. Stay Focused on Your Vision: Keep your eyes on the future you want to create. As far as your eyes can see, it is the future you can build.
  3. Ignore the Noise: People will always have something to say, but remember, those who criticize you are often those who do not contribute to your progress.
  4. Find Supportive Allies: Sometimes, the greatest support comes from those far away from you. Cherish those who believe in you and contribute to your growth.


Progressing despite household wickedness requires determination, vision, and sometimes, a bit of distance from those who do not support you. Keep pressing forward, stay true to your path, and remember that your value and success are defined by you, not by the opinions of others.

Stay blessed and keep progressing!

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