What Nigeria Needs Is a Change of Mindset, Not National Anthem Change.

We seem to have lost in this country, especially our leaders. Amidst the chaos and insecurity going on in the country, if our leaders can come up with the changing of our National Anthem as the solution, then a change of mindset is what this nation needs.

Reflecting on History:

From Independence to 1970 and beyond, we sang the national anthem and recited the pledge. Despite this, we remained as corrupt and as evil as could be, particularly my generation. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Every nation is a reflection of the thought processes of its people. This includes those who vote, those who are voted for, and those who rig elections and falsify results.

Recent Developments:

Recently, our president marked one year in office, and one of the achievements for next year is changing to our old national anthem. However, is the old national anthem our problem? Despite the anthem’s message of unity—”Though tribe and tongue may differ, in brotherhood we stand”—we fought a civil war and continue to face deep divisions.

The Real Issues:

Changing the national anthem without changing the mindset of the people will not bring about any real change. We must start holding our leadership accountable and address the real issues:

  • Hunger: Many Nigerians struggle to find their next meal.
  • Homelessness: Too many of our people are without proper shelter.
  • Excessive Taxation: The burden of taxes is crippling our economy.
  • Insecurity: Bandits and insurgents threaten our daily lives.

The Need for Re-education:

We must re-educate our people from primary school onwards. This is the only way to foster a genuine change in mindset. As the debate about the national anthem went on, many people allowed it to pass without much opposition, missing the point that our problems are far deeper than the words of a song.

Supporting Our Sponsors:

Before I go, I want to appreciate one of our sponsors, Andor Global Foods. This is the Andor garlic powder, Andor ginger, and Andor turmeric powder—great additions to your tea or food. Talking about food, this is Andor dried catfish, 1kg, delicious and nutritious. You can see their phone numbers and contact details below the video. Patronize Andor Global Foods, a NAVDAC registered company.


Changing the national anthem is a superficial solution to deep-rooted problems. We need to change our collective mindset and address the real issues plaguing our nation. Let’s hold our leadership accountable and work towards a better Nigeria.

God bless you.

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