Men, Please Never Be Old and Be Broke | It’s a Sad Reality

I harvested a bunch of plantains with my wife. We have coconuts, mangoes, oranges, more plantains, and plenty of bananas, all from our residence. We also have avocados coming up. I just returned from the farm, and I won’t need to buy gari for some months because we’ll produce and sell our own. Despite the economic hardship, I’m doing well because years ago, I started planting and acquiring real estate. Old age has become quite comfortable and exciting.

Planning for the Future

There’s nothing worse than squandering your opportunities when you are young and failing to invest in enduring legacies, only to ask for help from your peers who have managed their lives well. It’s embarrassing. I don’t like begging or asking for urgent financial help. From our coconut fruits, we produce coconut candy. We have oranges ready to mature soon.

For those of you following me on YouTube, mostly between 25 and 55 years old, it’s not too late to start thinking and planning for the future. You can enjoy your life, but let the proportion of what you squander be very small compared to what you invest.

Living Frugally and Investing Wisely

I live a frugal life, enjoying my time and resources wisely. Spend your life in a way that produces results. You’ll find that people will pay your bills and you’ll enjoy life when you have money. Don’t mind those who talk about money as if it is evil; they are the first to ask for it when they need it and are often very unhelpful to those around them.

Advice for the Young and Middle-aged

Invest early so that you can enjoy your old age. Any nation I want to travel to, I can go easily because my children will buy my tickets and I have friends all over the world who will accommodate and take care of me. This is because I spent my time investing in my future.

Final Thoughts

Be able to recognize opportunities when they come your way and be ready to take risk. Some of the successful people you see around today, will tell you that they were no sure when they made some investments but they just had to trust their instinct. Listen to your intuition.

God bless you.

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