When You Marry a Strong Woman

To discover a strong woman, first realize that she is a human being, she is a child of God, she has her own dreams and potentials and she is married to you to enable you actualize who you are supposed to be. Her strength is to potentiate your own strength. Remember, the Bible refers to a woman as a “Help Meet”.

Consider The Lapidot Principle: Lapidot was the husband of Deborah. Deborah was a prophet in the Old Testament, a leader, an adjudicator, and a warrior. The Bible says that when men were afraid to walk on the streets, Deborah arose as a mother in Israel. Even in biblical times, there were strong women who stood out.

There was another woman who beheaded a terrorist, and another who, when climbing a tower and being pursued, threw a grinding stone and cracked the skull of the tyrant. In African history, we had strong women like Queen Nzinga of Angola, who studied Portuguese and military strategy, and Queen Amina of Zaria.

Queen Taytu of Ethiopia was the wife of Menelik. She prompted Menelik to fight the Italians in the Battle of Adwa in 1896, and they defeated the Italians. She named Addis Ababa, which means “land of beautiful flowers.”


Embracing a Strong Wife: I have engaged with several men who feel threatened when they have an enterprising, forceful woman and feel like she wants to control their lives. Here’s my advice to such men:

  1. Create an Ecosystem for Her: Allow her to excel in her area of strength. The building we own today was built by my wife; everything we have was molded by her. I have my own peace and create my own entity.
  2. Confident Men Embrace Strong Women: Men who are confident allow their wives to shine. Examples include Aisha Yesufu’s husband, Angela Merkel’s husband, and Kamala Harris’s husband.
  3. Marriage is Not Subjugation: Marriage is the expansion and exudation of potentials. Allowing your wife to maximize her potential benefits both of you.
  4. Respect and Support: My wife treasures the liberty I have given her to become who she is supposed to be. She respects me more because of the freedom I allow her.

Encouragement for Husbands: If you have a strong wife, know that it is a gift from God. Killing that potential is not for your good. The Bible says the woman was created for the man, so whatever she achieves is for you. As a husband, when God graces you with a strong, energetic, enterprising woman, don’t ever think that she’s a threat. Instead, her nest will cause you to bloom.

My Advice To Young Men: To young men who feel threatened by enterprising women, my advice is to create an ecosystem where she can function and excel. Understand that men like praise, respect, and attention. These simple acts can make a significant difference.

Final Thoughts

Women, remember to be submissive to your husbands. Men are your first babies; pay attention to them. Also, ensure that your common areas of functionality, especially intimacy, are well maintained. As Apostle Paul said, don’t let anything, not even fasting, come between you and your husband in this regard.

God bless you.

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