What You Must do to be Rich | And What to Avoid

Once you hit 30, reality sets In. There are some crucial truths you need to understand about wealth, responsibility, and mindset. Work towards your goals with dedication and perseverance. Here Is a guide on what you must do to achieve financial success and the pitfalls you need to avoid.

Realize Help is Not a Legal Obligation:

First, it’s essential to recognize that help is not a legal obligation. If someone is in distress, like drowning, and you’re not the lifeguard or the owner of the pool, you aren’t legally required to rescue them. No one can take you to court for failing to assist. Helping others is a spiritual and moral responsibility, not a legal one.

Similarly, you don’t owe anyone money unless you entered into a financial agreement or inheritance with them. If someone isn’t a family member, their money is theirs, and they are under no moral obligation to give you any. Learn to avoid an entitlement mentality. Avoid creating emergencies for others due to your irresponsibility.

Embrace Responsibility:

Wealth comes from responsibility. Start with a strong sense of duty. Find something you can be accountable for, whether it’s a product, service, or brand. Many musicians who throw money in the streets are only increasing dependency and laziness among people. This is the same tactic politicians use to deceive us.

Learn from History:

Consider this, Africa has been receiving aid from the Western world for years, but have we truly developed? No. Aid doesn’t help those who aren’t ready to help themselves. Even in the Bible, Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave; He didn’t go in to carry him out. Similarly, when Jesus told the man to take up his mat and walk, the man had to carry the mat himself. There must be a sense of personal responsibility if you want to receive help from God or anyone else.

Steps to Take for Wealth:

  1. Take Charge of Your Life: Start by taking responsibility for your actions and decisions.
  2. Create and Manage a Product or Service: Identify a need in the market and develop a product or service to meet that need.
  3. Build a Brand: Establish a brand that people can trust and rely on.

Pitfalls To Avoid:

  1. Entitlement Mentality: Expecting help or money from others without having earned it.
  2. Creating Emergencies for Others: Making your irresponsibility someone else’s problem.
  3. Dependency on Aid: Relying on external aid without taking steps to improve your situation.
  4. Ignoring Responsibility: Failing to take charge of your actions and decisions.

Finally, this year, be determined to take charge of your life and your role in the economy.

God bless you.

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