Givers Sometimes Lack, It Is Producers and Investors That Never Lack | Be Wise.

Givers sometimes lack when they fail to follow the simple principle. While giving is noble and necessary to succeed, it should be balanced with wise investments.

The Power of Investment

Currently, we are loading cassava (Manihot esculenta) and taking it into town for processing into garri. Garri is quite expensive now, and I am grateful that I invested by planting cassava. Now, I am reaping the dividends of my investment.

Investing in agricultural products like cassava is a great way to ensure a steady income. By being a producer, you create value that can be turned into profit. This principle applies to all forms of investment—whether in agriculture, stocks, real estate, or any other field. Producers and investors create and multiply resources, ensuring they never lack.


Why Producers and Investors Never Lack

  1. Value Creation: Producers and investors create value. By growing crops, manufacturing products, or investing in profitable ventures, they ensure a constant flow of income.
  2. Profit from Investments: Investing in the right opportunities yields returns. These returns can be reinvested, creating a cycle of growth and profit.
  3. Economic Resilience: Producers and investors are more resilient during economic downturns because they have tangible assets and ongoing projects that generate income.

Givers who don’t invest can sometimes find themselves lacking resources. It’s crucial to have a foundation of production or investment to sustain your giving.

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