Beware Of Swines, They Are Everywhere. Invited And Uninvited.

The Bible says, “Do not give precious stones or gifts to swines, for they will trample upon them and attack you.” They are everywhere, who do they represent?

Understanding Swines:

Swines are dirty animals. They can even eat their own children, showing they don’t value anything. Their appetite supersedes their reasoning. A swine is driven by its instincts and desires, making it spiritually and morally dirty.

When Jesus encountered a man possessed by many demons, the demons asked to be cast into swines. Why? Because swines are the perfect hosts for unclean spirits—they thrive in desolate, filthy places.

Identifying Swines in Different Areas of Life:

1. Intellectual Swines-: They do not value knowledge. They make noise during lectures, don’t take notes, and are often disruptive. They instigate riots when exams are near because they fear failure. These are people who, even when given opportunities to learn, trample on them and attack those who try to educate them.

2. Marital Swines-: They are those who betray their spouses. They commit adultery, neglect their responsibilities, and abuse their partners. They destroy the sanctity of marriage and bring chaos into their homes.


3. Relative Swines-: They are family members who, despite being given numerous opportunities, squander them. They destroy businesses, waste resources, and then blame others for their failures. These are the relatives who take and take but never appreciate or reciprocate.

4. Political Swines-: Political swines are those who, when given power and trust by the people, abuse it. They squander resources, betray the public trust, and when confronted, use force to silence dissent. They are the reason for much of the suffering and corruption in many societies.

5. Ministerial Swines-: Ministerial swines are those in religious or spiritual leadership who betray the trust placed in them. They might start with good intentions but end up attacking those who helped them the most. These swines bring disrepute to religious institutions.

Keeping Swines at Bay

The problem with swines is that they multiply quickly. Just as wild pigs in Texas and Florida have become a major problem, swines in society can spread their toxic influence rapidly. It is essential to identify and keep swines at a distance to protect your valuable resources, whether intellectual, emotional, or material.

Final Thoughts

Swines are everywhere. They can be in our families, our workplaces, our government, and even in our religious institutions. The key is to recognize them and not give them the opportunity to trample on what we hold dear.

Beware of swines. Protect your precious resources. God bless you.

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