The Real Worth of Your Phone | How to Create Value With Your Phone

Our phones have become the game changers for our generation. It is a powerful tool that can help you create value, build wealth, and transform your life. Make your phone your greatest asset.

Points to leverage on;

1. Your Own Broadcasting Channel: Gone are the days when you needed to pay millions to broadcast on TV. Now, from the comfort of your home, office, or even farm, you can broadcast to the world. Your phone can be a TV channel, a radio station, and so much more. With platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, you have your own channels without the need for a complex setup. You can become a global voice and reach audiences worldwide.

2. Create Your Own Advertising Agency: Your phone can also serve as an advertising agency. You don’t need millions of subscribers to start. Even with a small audience, you can advertise products and services. For example, we’ve recently secured our first sponsor, and we receive inquiries from around the world. Your phone can connect you to opportunities far and wide, making it a powerful tool for marketing and advertising.

3. Build a Global Marketplace: With your phone, you can create a marketplace with global reach. You can buy, sell, import, and distribute products from anywhere in the world. The potential to create wealth is enormous, as you can personalize your business and reach a global audience.

4. Your Phone as a Cathedral: Your phone can be more influential than the biggest cathedral. With thousands of subscribers and viewers, you can reach more people than a large physical congregation. It’s a platform where you can share your message, connect with others, and make a significant impact without the overhead costs of maintaining a physical space.

5. A Conference Center in Your Pocket: Organizing conferences has never been easier. With your phone, you can host virtual conferences, reach attendees from around the world, and save on costs associated with physical events. No need for renting halls, arranging chairs, or catering—everything can be done online. This has made it possible to connect with people globally and share knowledge seamlessly.

6. An Educational Hub: Your phone can be a big school. You can learn anything online, from cooking recipes to car repairs. It’s a platform for lifelong learning and personal development. Educators can also use their phones to teach and reach students without needing a physical classroom. The possibilities are endless.

7. A Shopping Center and Diagnostic Tool: Your phone is a shopping center where you can order anything from anywhere. It’s also a diagnostic tool to some extent, allowing you to research health conditions and find remedies. You can even use it to navigate, keep track of your schedule, and manage your finances.

8. A Wealth Creator: Phones are the biggest wealth creators today. Many people are making a living through online content, selling products, and offering services. From entertainers to educators, everyone can leverage their phone to generate income. It’s not about internet fraud; it’s about genuine talent and creativity.

I gain quite a number of new subscribers on both my YouTube channel and Facebook page daily. This digital community has become a vital part of my life, serving as a cathedral, a conference center, and a space for meaningful connections. Statistics shows that the sixth largest church in the world can accommodate about 35,000 people. In comparison, I have 880,000 people engaging with my content regularly. Some of my viewers watch my videos till 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. every day. My phone has become my cathedral, allowing me to connect with a global audience without the need for physical infrastructure.

In conclusion, your phone is more than just a communication device. Embrace the possibilities, and don’t let your phone’s potential go to waste. Remember, the greatest currency today is data. So, invest in your phone, invest in yourself, and unlock the incredible opportunities that await you.

Stay Blessed.

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