Why Many Marriages Crash: People don’t understand these principles

Marriage is one of the most important institutions, yet it is also one of the least prepared for. Unlike our careers, which involve years of education and training, marriage often comes with minimal preparation—typically just a few sessions of marriage counseling. This lack of preparation is a significant reason why many marriages struggle. Let’s delve into some key principles that are often misunderstood, leading to marital issues.

Understanding Marriage

Marriage is a serious commitment that involves much more than just living together. It is a legal and spiritual union between two mutually consenting adults of the opposite gender, aimed at sharing lives, achieving common goals, and helping each other realize their potential. It involves not only the couple but also their families, communities, and their relationship with God.

Key Principles for a Successful Marriage

  1. Relationship with God:

    • A good marriage starts with a strong relationship with God. If a person cannot maintain a good relationship with their Creator, it becomes challenging to have a good relationship with their spouse. A Christ-like mindset is crucial for a fulfilling marriage.
  2. Selflessness:

    • Many people enter marriage with selfish motives—seeking beauty, excitement, financial security, or a future. However, marriage requires selflessness and a commitment to the well-being of the other person.
  3. Understanding Roles:

    • Husbands and wives have distinct roles. A wife is meant to be a helpmate, supporting and respecting her husband. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church, providing, leading, and nurturing her.
  4. Provision and Leadership:

    • A husband must provide for his family and take on the role of a leader. He should guide the household with wisdom and care, ensuring the well-being of all members.
  5. Respect and Communication:

    • Respect is fundamental. Treat your spouse with the same respect and consideration you would show to others. Communicate effectively, setting and respecting boundaries within the relationship.
  6. Support for Each Other’s Families:

    • Both partners should care for each other’s families, creating a strong support system. Distinguish between helpful in-laws and those who might cause issues, maintaining the primary bond with your spouse.
  7. Flexibility and Tolerance:

    • Marriage involves accepting each other’s imperfections. Understand and tolerate each other’s quirks and habits, and know when to provide support or give space.
  8. Shared Responsibilities:

    • Share the responsibilities of the household. Both partners should contribute to the financial, emotional, and physical upkeep of the family. This shared responsibility strengthens the bond and ensures a balanced partnership.


Marriages fail when these principles are not understood or practiced. A successful marriage requires preparation, commitment, respect, and a strong relationship with God. Remember, marriage is about mutual support and understanding, not just fulfilling personal desires.

I hope these insights help you in your journey towards a fulfilling marriage. Stay tuned for more discussions, and remember to subscribe to my channel for more valuable lessons.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. God bless you.

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