Don’t Let Foolish Virgins Plunge You into Darkness | They can’t eat their cakes and eat yours

I enjoy sharing my insights and inspirations with everyone, especially when I relate them to society. Today, I want to discuss the parable of the ten virgins from the Bible and how it applies to our contemporary lives.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

In the New Testament, we find the parable of the ten virgins. There were five wise virgins and five foolish virgins. The wise virgins took extra oil with their lamps. These lamps were clay pots with a wick placed into olive oil, drawing oil through capillarity. As the oil burned, it reduced in volume, so the wise virgins carried extra oil in containers. In contrast, the foolish virgins took only the oil in their lamps.

The bridegroom, representing the man in this parable, would build a house and then go to bring his bride and visitors to see the house, parading through the street. However, this bridegroom delayed, symbolizing the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Dual Application of Scriptures

We live both in the spiritual and social realms, and we must relate the scriptures to both aspects. Otherwise, we risk being “heavenly conscious but earthly useless and stupid.” The wise virgins planned and prepared in advance. They were optimistic yet cautious and proactive. The foolish ones, on the other hand, lived on presumption, assumption, and recklessness.

Real-Life Examples

I observe young people who frequent a nearby lounge, playing loud music until the early hours of the morning. These individuals often squander their youth and opportunities. Some have been following this path for decades, wasting their lives away. They mismanaged their lives, and now they come begging for help from those who managed theirs well.


The Consequences of Foolishness

Mismanaged lives lead to begging for help later. It’s painful when relatives, who were given opportunities in the past, still come asking for financial assistance at 50 or 51 years old. These individuals had better opportunities than I did, yet they are still dependent. They didn’t save or plan for the future, and now they are suffering the consequences.

Lessons for Young People

If you are a young person listening to this, or if you are a parent, share this with your children. Learn to do what you are supposed to do at the appropriate age. Go to school, graduate, start working diligently, acquire skills, and save money. Invest wisely. The Bible says to take up the yoke while you are young.

I’ve seen people who had opportunities but ended up looking haggard because they mismanaged them. These are the foolish virgins of our contemporary society. If you find yourself in a begging situation despite having had opportunities, especially if you are in the diaspora, you will regret it later.

The Hard Truth

Don’t be a foolish virgin. My wife often says I’m too harsh, but this is the hard truth.

Let’s strive to be wise virgins, prepared and proactive, ensuring a brighter future for ourselves and our society.

God bless you.

Dr. Charles Apoki

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