An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living – Socrates

To lead a meaningful life, we must constantly scrutinize, analyze, and question ourselves. Here are some crucial questions and insights to help you reflect and improve your daily life.

Key Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. What Do I Need to Reject?
    • Public Behavior: Due to my public presence and the controversial nature of my messages, I’ve decided not to eat or drink in public, nor do I visit homes frequently. This helps avoid unnecessary risks and maintains my peace of mind.
    • Negative Influences: Reject any attempt to bring negativity into your life. Constructive criticism is welcome, but harmful comments are not. Social media can be a toxic space, so stand your ground and protect your mental space.
  2. Who Do I Need to Remove?
    • Toxic People: Some individuals bring only trouble into your life, much like Jonah in the biblical story, who caused others to throw their goods overboard. Identify and distance yourself from such people to protect your well-being and progress.
  3. What Do I Need to Replace?
    • Regularly evaluate what aspects of your life need improvement or change. This could be habits, routines, or even relationships that no longer serve your growth.

Daily Self-Evaluation

  • Assess Results: At the end of each day, ask yourself what you have achieved in the last 24 hours. Measure your productivity, the income generated, the new connections made, and any progress towards your goals.
  • Express Gratitude: Reflect on what you need to thank God for, such as good health, opportunities, intellect, and the supportive people in your life. Show appreciation to those who have helped you.
  • Identify Carryovers: Acknowledge tasks that were not completed today and plan how to tackle them tomorrow. Life involves carryovers, and it’s essential to manage them effectively.
  • Create New Opportunities: Consider missed opportunities and think about new ideas to compensate for them. Discuss innovative ideas with your partners or colleagues to keep progressing.

Upcoming Seminar

I’m excited to announce an online seminar on the 7th and 8th of June at 7 PM. Participants from 26 countries have already registered. The seminar will be recorded to accommodate different time zones, so you can watch it at your convenience. To register, send a message to +234 70 52 13 67 63.


Constant self-examination is key to a meaningful life. By asking these essential questions daily, you can navigate life more effectively and make substantial progress. Remember, an unexamined life is not worth living. Stay reflective, proactive, and grateful.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

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