Honour is a Fruit Borne By The Giver

Reception protocols at Men of Honour Conference @ Power World Ministries, Int., Umuahia.

Honour is a fruit borne by the giver; it first germinates in the giver. People who don’t have value for themselves can’t honour others.

I have related with all kinds of pastors, and I have found that dishonourable people, no matter how rich they are, see others as tools to be utilised and disposed of.

Honour is also earned and it’s a reward for integrity, consistency, and productivity.

After the church service, I got to the hotel and was informed that the owner of the hotel wanted to see me in my suite. A slim young man who turned out to be in his mid-30s was the owner of this fine hotel. I had walked past him without knowing he was the owner of the hotel. He brought a bottle of wine to honour me because he heard a man of God was in his hotel. I was shocked. He knelt down and I prayed from my belly. He is married to an Asian.

By about 6:30 p.m., my host came visiting. He was just closing from church. He had a church meeting to do a review of the conference.
Rev. Dr. Uche Ume is not joking. Ministry has gone beyond gathering people in a warehouse; it is a serious responsibility. It is done with intentionality.

You won’t like to miss church service if you worship in this kind of environment. They make you have a taste of heaven here on earth. He had to watch a video of my accommodation before approval for me to stay there.

I have met the ones who don’t care.

Excellence is an addiction.

Great human relations is a cultivated skill.

God Bless You.

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