I have gone to the remotest parts of Africa to teach and train people on what I call ‘Developmental Christianity’. I have been to very remote parts of Ethiopia, close to the border with Mogadishu.
I have traveled from Makeni in Sierra Leone to Monrovia by road. I was in Juba in South Sudan with Laolu Adegbesan, from Antananarivo through Nairobi, just to influence Africans to be productive. We funded our trips. I have been to Busia, Kenya, the border town with Uganda and by road to Kampala to teach developmental Christianity.
If Jehovah, the same God the Jews call on, is the same God we serve, why is it that everything bad is associated with Africa despite all our prayers?
That’s the question I have been answering with my life style and results. Africa is not a hopeless case; Paul Kagame has provided good examples to follow.
We need more of realistic, replicable, and transferable modeling institutionalized in Africa.
My wife and I have tried to provide models for young adults to follow: the simple Christian life with integrity and productivity. We have demonstrated that a husband and wife can work together with the barest resources and still make tangible progress together.
I have demonstrated that you can be brilliant and still live a life that the ordinary citizens can copy from. I don’t run a church, but thousands of young people all over the world hear from us regularly.
I have made posts and postulations that hundreds of thousands people all over the world listen to.
The best way to preserve a sweet fruit is to plant the seeds and grow an orchard.
I appreciate this award, and I want to raise one million Africans that will be better than me.

Join me to institutionalize this orchard of wisdom, so that other generations in my lifetime and after I have have gone to glory can still have sweet fruits to eat.
That’s how to live a life of legacy. Eternal life starts from now.
To mark my 62nd birthday on 27/4/2021 we will be laying the foundation of PETRA INSTITUTE, EFFURUN-OTOR at 12 noon.
Please call me on 08028258702 for material and cash donations towards actualizing this vision.
You can also donate (in Naira and foreign currency) on the following platforms (Paypal and Paystack) using these links:
https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/petrapublications https://paystack.com/pay/support_petra_institute_effurun_otor
God bless you.