Humble Yourself Before Circumstances Humble You – by Dr. Charles Apoki

Ever wondered why the Prodigal Son’s story resonates so deeply with us? Join Dr. Charles Apoki as he delves into the powerful lesson of humility in his latest video, “Humble Yourself Before Circumstances Humble You.”

In our journey through the parable of the Prodigal Son, we’ve explored the importance of family unity, the effects of desperation and impatience, the six P’s of wealth, and the dangers of riotous living. Today, we continue with a critical lesson:

Text: Luke 15:15-16

Prior to the events described in this passage, the prodigal son allowed his father’s wealth to inflate his ego. The inevitable consequence? He found himself longing for the food of the pigs he was tasked to care for.

Lesson 6: Humble Yourself Before Circumstances Humble You:

Pride and prodigality often go hand in hand. It’s always wiser to humble yourself voluntarily before life’s harsh realities force you into humility.

When I sold our hospital and moved from Aba in Abia State to Ughelli, Delta State, I had to discard all illusions of being a former medical director. I was prepared to start from scratch. I ignored critics and mockers, and I did whatever was necessary to save costs and build a future.

I carried concrete at the school site during construction, acted as a security man, drove the school bus, and even cleaned the school toilets. My wife sat outside selling books in the sun whenever I was invited to speak.

We didn’t pretend to be what we were not. We didn’t play the roles of “Mama” and “Papa” as paupers, because true success isn’t a title—it’s evidenced by your results.

We collected off-cut scrap paper from a printing press to resell and pay school fees. Unable to afford workers, I personally cut trees to clear the road to the school site. Today, we employ over 72 workers.

My wife made garri from her mother’s cassava farm, despite mockery from in-laws. My cassava farm provided us with enough garri for over a year in 2014.

Despite The Ridicule:

including being called a fake doctor—I persevered. Today, those who mocked me can’t access the opportunities and privileges I now enjoy. My past struggles paid the price for my present success.

If the prodigal son had remained humble under his father and brother, ready to work, he wouldn’t have ended up longing for pigs food.

I live at a level where I can’t fall below—because I live on the floor level. Where were the prodigal son’s friends when he was with the pigs? Most people you seek to impress during good times will abandon you when things get tough.

Why wait until retirement to start farming or a business? Start small and grow steadily, like the Ant’s Philosophy. A young man starting with a few pigs or beehives can become wealthy over time through consistent effort.

Jesus humbled himself and was ultimately glorified by God, despite the humiliation from men.

In the next post, we’ll explore Impulsive and Compulsive Living.

If you’ve been blessed by this message, share it. God bless you.


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