God has been so good.

We started with 5 pupils (my youngest child, inclusive) in a rented accommodation. Here we are. When I was eating soaked garri without sugar for breakfast and my household used to buy kerosene on credit until I come back from my preaching engagements, God was seeing today.

One day, I bought gasoline worth 400 Naira from one of my customers (on the black market) on credit to go to preach at Otoka in Ekregbesi; we went with a canoe for transport. Instead of canoes, now, I move in convoys to preach.

Ironically, my schoolmate from University of Ibadan was managing a petrol station adjacent to my school. Out of shame, I could not ask her for gasoline for my car.

One Mama Sweet invited me then. Mr. Wilson Emagbara and I slept on a tiny bed in a room with two mad men chained at the entrance. We came back with an honorarium of 600 Naira. Today, companies, organisations, and big churches invite me to speak and treat me like royalty. God was watching me and He was seeing today.

One time, I went to Umuahia to preach, I spent 13,000 Naira on gasoline and repairs of the car. Yet, it stopped at Kaiama and my wife and I got home by 12 midnight with public transport. The host pastor gave me an honorarium of 7,000 Naira. I dared not complain. He later told me he was amazed I did not complain. I did not complain because no man can pay me. I was seeing beyond him; I saw Him who called me because He is faithful.

Someone called me a mad man for selling my hospital to become a Pastor. God was aware of the insults, but He was seeing even beyond today.

One of my close relatives called me a fake doctor because my wife was making garri from his (I mean HIS mother’s) cassava farm. He even said, “nor be my mama garri you dey chop?“. For one year, I did not buy garri recently because I planted 2 acres of cassava in the permanent site of Petra Institute.

At one time I was the school bus driver, security man, and receptionist. I had no office for 14 years in the school. Today, I am no longer the gateman. There are two types of GM‘gateman’ and ‘general manager’.

My wife never sat on the altar as a guest preacher’s wife. She was always outside selling books and cassette tapes. We hardly dressed well then. I wonder if we even do, now!

Even though we are always broke and we hardly have any money to spare, we have left where we were. We are not owing any bank.

This my God will also give you testimonials and testimonies.


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