Lessons of Life
1. Be patient with yourself, God, and others.
2. Set your destination, the route, and your plans to reach there.


3. Avoid competitive, comparative, compulsive, and communal lifestyles.
4. Know yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, assets, and threats.
5. Understand criticism, mockery, and disrespectful behaviours. Learn from them; don’t be bitter; choose to be better.
6. Be your best fan and harshest critic in your heart.
7. Learn to adapt and adjust. If you can’t varnish, know how to hide very well; as long as you avoid detection it’s the same result.
8. Success has many angles, models, and levels. The success of a monkey on top of trees has no relevance in a stream with Mr. Crocodile.
9. If ‘Lagos’ is success, there are many routes to ‘Lagos’. You could go through Badagry, Ojota, Ikorodu, or Owode. You could go by land, air, or sea. You can even arrive as a pregnancy or be born there. Lagos might have Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Okoko, Aje city, etc. You can come as a squatter in the Boys’ Quarters, struggle to contribute your quota, and life will change your quarters.

For almost 12 years I had no office, no suit, 2 pairs of shoes, and wore cheap perfumes.
Most of what I am wearing are gifts.

You will get there. My God is faithful. Your testimony will be greater.


  1. Dr God bless you and your lovely family,i enjoy the book… through the crowd to crown

  2. Dr God bless you and your lovely family,i enjoy the book… through the crowd to crown

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