Boaz was a descendant of Rahab.

Rahab had great social Intelligence.

Remember, we have consistently talked about harnessing and maximising information and acting on such information.

Rahab had known before the spies came to her house, inside the wall of Jericho, about the exploits of Jehovah. She was also aware that the hearts of the inhabitants of Jericho had melted. So she was intelligent enough to be on the side of a winning team.

Don’t ever deceive yourself that she could not have betrayed the spies. Rahab had great negotiating skills.

It takes great social Intelligence to initiate and kill a deal that the other fellow thinks (s)he got a better deal.

She was able to work her way from outside the camp of the nation of Israel and eventually marry one of the warriors. That involves a lot of social intelligence.

If you limit your relationships to your local ethnic group and antagonise your social contacts, you are not wise. You will remain limited, circumscribed, and small. That’s what the Fulanis are going to create for themselves in Nigeria.

You must learn to be aware of the needs and appetites of those you interact with and cultivate a win-win situation.

God Bless You.


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