H0w to Become More Productive With Your Mind | Conformity Leads to Confinement

I want to thank everyone who attended the last webinar in February on breaking limitations and frustration in life, career, and ministry. We had participants from all over the world, and it was an enlightening session. The first day focused on teachings, and the second day was dedicated to answering questions. I was personally pleased with how I responded and engaged with the group.

A young mentee of mine, a PhD holder and university lecturer, recently expressed his desire to make big money. Our discussion inspired the theme of this webinar. Many teachings on money in church don’t translate into reality, and most entrepreneurship lecturers are not businessmen. But I have both theoretical and practical knowledge.

How to Free Your Mind for Excellence

I have been researching and analyzing the concept of Groupthink, which is a psychological phenomenon where individuals conform to a group’s way of thinking. I like to break down concepts into practical realities, especially from an African perspective.

Many pastors make people overly dependent on prayers by saying, “Everything happens in the spirit realm before the physical.” While there’s some truth to this, the Bible emphasizes the mind as the source of transformation.

  • “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”

  • “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

  • “Meditate upon these words and you shall have good success.”

It is not only the spiritual realm that shapes our lives but also the way we think. The underdevelopment of Africa is more about our mindset than spiritual forces. Europeans and Americans have built their societies through their way of thinking, not just spirituality.

The Fear of Being Alone

A major reason people conform is the fear of being alone. The Bible says, “It is not good for man to be alone.” However, this was based on functionality, not fear. Many people join groups, churches, and organizations out of a desire for security and belonging. This is why people remain in certain denominations or organizations—because they feel their future is tied to them.

Take, for instance, Bishop David Abioye, who was under Bishop David Oyedepo. He remained loyal for many years, but after retiring, he started his own ministry. His followers also moved with him, believing they had a better future in his new ministry. This pattern is common in many groups—whether religious, social, or cultural.

Groupthink and Its Dangers

Many churches and organizations function through strict regimentation, where:

  • Sunday school manuals and messages come from the headquarters.

  • Pastors cannot express differing views.

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) are imposed.

  • Members are required to read specific books and follow certain dress codes.

This is how people become mentally imprisoned. The same applies to cults and confraternities, where members must follow strict dress codes, handshakes, and rituals. Groupthink prevents independent reasoning and original thought.

Only 1-2% of humanity generate original ideas—thinkers like Karl Marx, C.K. Prahalad, Mahatma Gandhi, and Patrice Lumumba. These individuals often think outside the norm and are sometimes misunderstood or even attacked. If you dare to think differently, you may face opposition, but that is the price of true independence.

Breaking Free from Groupthink

I have never belonged to any confraternity. I refuse to let any group colonize my mind. Even in my university days, I didn’t conform to class associations. I remain an independent thinker. When you free your mind from conformity, you begin to see society from a higher perspective—like an eagle.

A Practical Example: Breaking Cultural Norms

A friend called me recently about his mother’s burial. He earns 40,000 Naira a month, yet was being pressured to contribute to buying an expensive casket. The last casket I helped purchase cost 400,000 Naira. I asked him, “Have you watched my YouTube video on ‘The Reality of Aging’ where I said my children should wrap me in cloth and bury me without a casket?”

Instead of wasting 350,000 Naira on a casket, he could start a POS business and earn 5,000-10,000 Naira daily, escaping his low-income job. But because of Groupthink, people continue to spend money on unnecessary traditions instead of building wealth.

Dare to Think Differently

Most people in Africa think the same way, conforming to tradition and societal norms. But those who change the world dare to be different. Take Rosa Parks, for example. She refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. This act of defiance led to a movement that eventually resulted in civil rights advancements in the U.S.

People who challenge Groupthink make history. But today, many people fear thinking differently because of cyberbullying laws, religious control, and societal pressure. The question is: Are you a prisoner of your group, church, denomination, family, culture, or country?


To be productive and successful, free your mind from the control of groups. Dare to think differently. Refuse to be limited by tradition.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

Who are your friends? Who are you listening to? Who controls your mind? God bless you!

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