Some Questions You Need to Answer

This morning, I woke up after a great night’s rest, getting ready for a breakfast meeting with Cosmos Maduka of the Cois Group of Companies, along with my host and my Bishop from Lagos West District of the Church of God Mission. As I prepared for the day, some thoughts crossed my mind.

1. What does it benefit you to be a troublesome spouse?
If you are constantly quarreling with your partner, causing unnecessary strife, what do you gain from that? I was able to leave home yesterday happy and confident because I have a good wife who supports me and takes care of our family business while I travel. She wasn’t upset about me being overseas while she stayed behind; she was simply happy doing what she loves. If we were fighting all the time, I wouldn’t have been able to go about my work with peace of mind.

2. What does it benefit you as a child to be a nuisance to your parents?
My children paid for my flight tickets and my hotel in Europe. Another child has already bought my ticket to fly from one city to another. What do you gain by being unproductive, constantly getting into trouble, or causing your parents heartache? Choosing a destructive path—joining a cult, abusing drugs, or making poor life decisions—only brings pain to those who love you. I woke up this morning feeling fulfilled, excited to meet my children and grandchild. That joy keeps me young and full of life.

3. What does it benefit you to be a bad in-law?
I’ve built strong, loving relationships with my in-laws. For example, I wanted to buy gifts for my daughter-in-law in Europe, but my son-in-law got them instead. When I offered to repay him, he refused and said, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” That’s the reward of being a good in-law. When my mother-in-law was alive, I took great care of her, ensuring she was comfortable and felt appreciated. What do you gain by being wicked, difficult, or self-centered?

Life is better when you choose to be good. When you build a strong reputation, as I have, you’ll find that the rewards are far greater than any selfish gains. I’m living a life where everything I enjoy today is paid for because I’ve built a solid brand and positive relationships.

I encourage you to share this message with your spouse, your children, and anyone who needs to hear it. Life is easier and more fulfilling when you choose to be a good person.

P.S. I have a seminar coming up on the 8th and 9th of November titled Becoming a Person of Influence. If you want to register, send a message to +2348020219262. Being a person of good influence will do you good!

God bless you!
Dr. Charles Apoki

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