Go Beyond Belief to Know God for Yourself | Let's Raise Disciples Not Fans and Followers

I’m Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to talk about going beyond mere belief to actually knowing God for yourself. Too often, modern Christianity focuses on raising followers and fans rather than true disciples. We need to shift away from that.

Belief vs. Knowledge

Belief is intangible. You believe in what you haven’t seen—like believing in Jesus as your Savior through faith. That’s important for salvation, but belief alone isn’t enough for a deeper relationship with God. Knowledge, on the other hand, is practical and demonstrable. It comes from understanding and applying God’s principles.

The Bible tells us that “they that know their God shall be strong and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32). Knowing God enables us to demonstrate His power and transfer this knowledge to others. Belief gets you eternal life, but knowing God brings success in living a full, purposeful life here on earth. Paul expressed this desire in Philippians 3:10 when he said, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.”

The Danger of Shallow Christianity

The problem with today’s Christianity is that too many people follow religious figures blindly. They hear fantastic stories, see grand structures, and are captivated by the glamour of certain “men of God.” But these leaders often lack true knowledge of God. Instead of discipling people, we’re raising fans who are fixated on personalities rather than Jesus Christ.

We hear a lot of storytelling, bullying, and even threats from the pulpit. Why? Because those preaching haven’t experienced God deeply for themselves. They project their anointing and tell others to believe in them, rather than encouraging believers to seek God personally.

Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice” (John 10:27), yet many today are following voices they don’t recognize, leading to deception. If you don’t know God for yourself, you’ll be swept away by every false doctrine or charismatic leader.

My Experience of Knowing God

When I became born again in the Church of God Mission at Aba, I didn’t jump from place to place seeking miracles or prophecies. Instead, I sought God personally. I prayed, read the Bible, and asked Him to teach me. Through that, God imprinted truths in my spirit that have remained firm despite external pressures.

People may label me as a radical or troublesome, but that’s because they don’t understand my experience with God. I’ve seen healings, experienced divine provision, and heard God’s voice guiding me. I don’t rely on anyone’s anointing but my own relationship with God.

Discipleship Over Popularity

Our goal should be to raise disciples who know God intimately, not to build empires of followers who depend on us for every spiritual need. Disciples learn from their master, replicate what they’ve learned, and pass it on. That’s how we spread the Gospel and the knowledge of God across the world.

Paul’s advice to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2 is key: “The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” This shows the need to not just keep knowledge, but to transfer it.

Know God for Yourself

I challenge you to seek God personally. Don’t depend on anyone else’s stories or miracles. You are a joint signatory to the account of Heaven; you don’t need another person to make you wealthy, successful, or spiritually strong. God has promised us everything we need for life and godliness through knowing Him (2 Peter 1:3).

If you allow yourself to be deceived by fantasy and glamour, you’re no different from the “foolish Galatians” that Paul rebuked for losing sight of the Gospel (Galatians 3:1). Don’t let anyone retail God to you—you can experience Him directly.

Let’s Raise Disciples

The problem with today’s Christianity is that we’re training people to be spiritual parasites. Instead of equipping them to stand on their own, we create a dependency on the pastor or the church. But true discipleship is about training people to know God for themselves, then sending them out to disciple others.

Let’s focus on raising disciples who can carry the light of Christ into the world, not just fans who follow blindly.

Upcoming Webinar: Becoming a Person of Influence
I will be hosting a webinar on November 8th and 9th, where I will teach on Becoming a Person of Influence. To register, send a message to +2348021219262 via WhatsApp. Early registration is advised, as fees will increase as the date approaches. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and grow.

God bless you.

Dr. Charles Apoki
The Area Grandfather

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