Influence | October Online Masterclass | Word & Wisdom Conference

Greetings, I am Dr. Charles Apoki, and today’s discussion focuses on a crucial subject: influence. Influence plays an integral role in the development of individuals, communities, and society at large. Whether in the church, family, schools, workplaces, or even in the neighborhoods where we live, influence shapes who we are and who we become. In this October Online Masterclass, I will delve into how different facets of our lives contribute to influence, both positively and negatively and how you can harness this power to foster growth, success, and meaningful impact.

Influence in the Church and Ministry

The church is meant to be a place of positive influence. From a young age, I knew that I was called to reach the world. It wasn’t just about being part of the congregation but about fulfilling my responsibility to spread the message of the Kingdom beyond my borders. As leaders and members of the church, our role should be to mentor others and prepare them to go further than we have gone.

Unfortunately, many churches today focus on keeping members close instead of empowering them to impact the world. It is important that we disciple and mentor people to influence their communities and nations, instead of seeing them merely as ATM machines. The church should stimulate people to perform better, run faster, and go farther in their spiritual and personal lives.

Influence in Marriage

Marriage is another powerful source of influence. The person you marry brings either positive or negative influences into your life. The angels or demons of your partner come into your life through marriage, which is why it’s crucial to be discerning when choosing a spouse.

Marriage should be about positive contribution rather than demanding rights. The roles you play in each other’s lives are more important than what you immediately gain. For instance, my wife has positively influenced me by helping me manage our household and finances. I see her hard work, and it motivates me to work even harder. This mutual contribution is what creates lasting influence in marriages.

Educational Influence

Schools are another key area of influence. The schools we attend shape our character, discipline, and worldview. For this reason, parents should prioritize their children’s education, even when it requires great sacrifice. The values and discipline I learned from my schooling still influence me today.

Sending my children to the best schools, even when I had to make sacrifices, was a priority for me. Today, three of them have studied abroad, and they are making significant contributions to society. Education creates a strong foundation for positive influence, whether it’s in academics, discipline, or the way you engage with the world.

Family Influence

Family is one of the most significant sources of influence. The Apostle Paul praised Timothy for the faith that was passed down to him from his mother and grandmother. Similarly, the influence within our families should aim to raise responsible, capable, and well-rounded individuals.

Your children are like arrows in the hand of a warrior—they are meant to reach places you cannot go. As parents, it’s essential to create an environment in which your children can thrive. I provided my children with resources and opportunities that helped shape their futures, such as introducing them to computers at an early age, which led to one of my sons obtaining a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

Influence of the Workplace and Environment

Where you work, live, and socialize will have a profound impact on your life. If you work in an environment where people are lazy, unambitious, and careless, it will negatively affect you. That’s why it is important to choose your environment carefully, as it shapes your mindset and goals.

Similarly, neighborhoods and social clubs can exert a strong influence on you and your family. I know of people who moved their families to different countries just to expose their children to a better cultural environment. The people you surround yourself with—whether in your community or social circles—can either elevate or degrade your potential.

Negative Influence and Peer Pressure

Negative influence is also rampant in society. Peer pressure, especially in today’s world, pushes many young people into negative behaviors, such as internet fraud, promiscuity, and rebellion. Mothers sometimes unknowingly encourage their children into negative lifestyles by comparing them with others who seem more successful.

Religious extremism, online radical influencers, and even some social media personalities propagate negative ideas that mislead our youth. Parents must be vigilant about the influences surrounding their children, particularly in the diaspora, where they may be exposed to conflicting values.

The Influence of Money and Materialism

In today’s world, the ease of spending money through technology and credit is leading many into financial debt. The constant exposure to materialism, wealth, and affluence is creating pressure on people to live beyond their means. This leads to a life of debt, frustration, and stress.

As I often say, resist societal pressures. Know yourself, your limitations, and your values. Focus on building a life based on financial independence, discipline, and long-term goals rather than seeking temporary pleasures.

Analyzing Influence

In all areas of life, whether it’s the church, marriage, education, work, or society, influence plays a pivotal role. You must constantly evaluate the influences around you and ask yourself important questions: Is this influence helping me grow? Is it making me more productive? Is it shaping me into a better person? If the answer is no, then you must be willing to discard that influence.

In our next session, we will talk about the Pathways to Becoming an Influential Personality. Thank you for attending today’s masterclass, and remember, true influence starts with intentionality and discipline.

God bless you.

I am Dr. Charles Apoki

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