Don’t Act and Look Woke Now and Be Broke Later

I’m your friend Dr. Charles Apoki, and I have an important message for young people: “Don’t act and look woke now only to be broke in your old age.”

When I was younger, I wasn’t focused on looking flashy or keeping up appearances. I didn’t dress well or live a flamboyant lifestyle. In fact, people made fun of me for it. But I had a plan. Instead of spending on clothes and appearances, I invested in property and secured my future.

Now, I am global, I am wealthy, and I am comfortable. The sacrifices I made when I was young are paying off today. Remember, it’s not about how you look now but what you are building for the future.

Stay focused, invest wisely, and make decisions that will secure your tomorrow.

God bless you!
Dr. Charles Apoki

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