How to Know When Your Faith Is Turning to Foolishness | It Starts Insidiously. You Might Not Know

I’m your friend Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to talk about how faith can slowly turn into foolishness. It’s a gradual process, and many don’t even realize it. Here are some key signs to watch out for:

  • You Stop Reasoning for Yourself:
    When you believe everything your spiritual leader says without questioning or scrutinizing it, your faith may be turning to foolishness. Imagine being told to eat grass, or seeing someone sleep on top of women or stand on people while preaching. When you stop analyzing these actions through the lens of scripture, it’s a red flag.

  • Isolation from Others:
    When a leader or a group confines you to only their teachings, secludes you from family, friends, or colleagues, or insists on certain dress codes and behaviors, your faith might be turning into foolishness. Such practices can lead to dangerous situations, like how Jim Jones led people to their deaths in Guyana.

  • Blind Loyalty to Leadership:
    If your faith revolves solely around the ministry, the religious leader, or the organization without considering your personal growth or well-being, it’s a problem. When you’re threatened with consequences for leaving or disagreeing, or when bad testimonies are used to instill fear, you need to reassess.
  • Mind Control and Lack of Progress:
    When you find yourself repeating slogans without understanding or personal growth, or when you stay in a group for long without spiritual development, your faith may be heading in the wrong direction. Look at the lives of those who joined before you—are they progressing?
  • Constant Internal Conflict:
    If you constantly battle discomfort and doubt in your heart, feeling something isn’t right, it’s a sign your faith is turning to foolishness. When all you hear are testimonies glorifying the leader instead of Jesus, your mind may be getting colonized.

Remember, true faith should help you grow, improve, and find peace. If you’re not seeing that, it’s time to evaluate your situation.

We’ll continue this discussion another time.

God bless you!
Dr. Charles Apoki

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