Good Governance, Social Justice, Qualitative Education, and Development

Greetings! I’m Dr. Charles Apoki, and today I want to discuss crucial topics that are fundamental to the growth and progress of any society: good governance, social justice, qualitative education, and development. These themes were the focus of my recent engagement with the leadership of a politically active group in Edo State, who were previously supporters of Peter Obi.

Good Governance: A Necessity for Development

Good governance is not just a buzzword; it is the political and institutional processes and outcomes necessary to achieve the goals of development. For governance to be effective, it must prioritize the people’s needs, uphold human rights, and ensure economic and social justice. In Edo State, there’s a rich history of strong leadership, as seen in the ancient Benin Kingdom, which once rivaled cities like Amsterdam in infrastructure and organization.

However, we must acknowledge that good governance is a challenging phenomenon in Edo State and across Nigeria. When politics becomes excessively expensive, the system becomes corrupt, as politicians are forced to recoup their investments through questionable means. Simplifying the political process is essential to ensure that governance is for the people and by the people.

Social Justice: The Bedrock of Equality

Social justice ensures that every individual, regardless of their background, has equal opportunities to succeed. It’s disheartening to see how far we’ve strayed from this ideal in Nigeria. When the educational system is compromised, and positions are reserved for the privileged few, the foundation of our society crumbles. I was fortunate to receive an education that allowed me to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the children of ministers and high-ranking officials. Today, such opportunities are scarce, and that is a tragedy we must address.

Qualitative Education: The Catalyst for Change

Education is the bedrock of any developed society. It transforms individuals from being political idiots and tribesmen to becoming political citizens. A sound mind, developed through qualitative education, is crucial for effective governance and societal development. Unfortunately, the deterioration of our educational system has led to a decline in the quality of leadership and governance.

As I’ve always said, the way to destroy a nation is not through nuclear weapons but by reducing the quality of its education. A poorly educated populace cannot govern well, and this directly impacts the progress and development of society.

Development: Beyond GDP

Development should be measured by the improvement in the lives of the people, not just by GDP figures. During the administration of Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria’s GDP was reportedly growing, but this did not translate to better living conditions for the average citizen. Today, the happiness index, which measures the well-being and satisfaction of the people, is a more accurate reflection of development. Sadly, if you were to ask Nigerians today, you would find that from north to south, from APC to PDP to the Labour Party, the people are not happy.

The Role of Leadership in Governance and Development

True leadership involves setting up systems and institutions that promote fairness, equality, and development. It’s about ensuring that every citizen has access to quality education, healthcare, and a secure future. When government officials and leaders fail to provide these basic necessities, it’s a sign of bad governance.

The time has come for us to insist on what is right in this country. We must demand good governance, social justice, and qualitative education to pave the way for true development. As citizens, we have a role to play in holding our leaders accountable and ensuring that they deliver on their promises.

Join me in this movement to create a better Nigeria. Let’s work together to build a nation where good governance, social justice, and qualitative education are not just ideals but realities that shape our everyday lives.

Stay connected for more insights and discussions. I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki.

Upcoming Webinar: Sustainable Development in Life, Ministry, Career, and Business

Join me on September 13th and 14th for an exclusive online webinar on sustainable development in life, ministry, career, and business. This session will provide valuable insights and practical steps to help you thrive in various aspects of your life. For more details, send me a message at +234 70 5213 6763. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow!

God bless you.

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