A Statistical Perspective on Life: Appreciating the Privileges

A remarkable statistical analysis has condensed the world’s population of 7.8 billion into 100 persons, revealing insightful percentages. Let’s explore these statistics and appreciate the privileges we often take for granted.

Demographics and Living Conditions

– 11 Europeans, 5 North Americans, 9 South Americans, 15 Africans, and 60 Asians make up the 100 persons.

– 49 live in rural areas, while 51 reside in towns and cities.

– 77 own their homes, and 23 lack a place to live.

– 21 are over-nourished, 63 eat full meals, 15 are under-nourished, and 1 struggle to access the next meal.

Economic and Technological Privileges

– 48 have a daily living cost of less than $2.

– 87 have access to clean drinking water, while 13 lack this basic necessity.

– 75 possess mobile phones, and 25 do not.

– 30 have internet access, leaving 70 without.

Education and Literacy

– 7 received university education, and 93 did not attend college.

– 83 can read, and 17 are illiterate.

Religion and Mortality

– 33 are Christians, 22 Muslims, 14 Hindus, 7 Buddhists, 12 follow other religions, and 12 have no religious beliefs.

– 26 live less than 14 years, 66 die between 15-64 years, and only 8 exceed 65 years.


If you have a home, eat full meals, drink clean water, own a mobile phone, access the internet, and attended college, you’re among the privileged few (less than 7%). If you’re over 65, be grateful and cherish life. You’ve outlived 92 persons who passed away before reaching 64.

Prioritize your health, as no one cares more than you. Thank God for all the blessings and cherish every moment.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. You are my responsibility

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