How to Become a Better Speaker | It Is in You


How do you become a better speaker?

Number One: Every person starts as a bad speaker. The first time I spoke, my hands were shaking. But if you want to speak well, you must develop content. As I said, I read a lot to develop content.

Number Two: Meditate on any subject matter. Spend time to meditate. When you meditate, you are ruminating, digesting, breaking down the topic, and then, after you break it down, you start assimilating it, and it becomes part of you.

The next thing is to visualize. See yourself speaking very well. Tell yourself, “I’m going to be a great speaker,” and “You’re going to hear something outstanding today.” Then prime yourself before the lecture. Pray in the spirit. The Bible says, “He who prays in the spirit edifies himself.” As you do that, watch other people who are great speakers. I told you there’s a mirror neuron in your brain; as you watch people speak, you’ll start seeing some of their characteristics and abilities entering your subconscious to mix with your original self, and then you become a newer model.

Be original and avoid things like “you know” and “amen, amen.” When I preached in the past, I would say “amen” repeatedly. I asked my wife how the message was. She said the message was wonderful, but the “amen, amen” was too much. That’s how I stopped saying “amen” so much. Avoid such mannerisms and just deliver the content. You will do well; it is in you.

I did a video called “It is in You.” It will come out. There was a parliamentarian in the UK whose first speech in Parliament was so terrible that, as he was sitting down, people laughed at him. Then he screamed, “It is in me; it will come out!” So, it will eventually come out.

Thank you.

I remain your friend. Dr. Charles Apoki

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