The Devil Is Not Really Your Problem : Your Level of Faith and Understanding Is.

I want to share some deep insights and reflections on different levels of Christianity and how they relate to our daily lives, inspired by a recent discussion I had with a pastor while heading to preach at the Balm of Gilead. He made a striking comment: “Millionaires don’t join prayer bands.” This got me thinking and observing the dynamics within our faith communities.

Millionaires and Prayer Bands:

It is often the case that the most fervent prayer warriors are not wealthy. Millionaires, on the other hand, tend to have others pray for them while they focus on their businesses. This observation led me to reflect on the different levels of Christianity that believers experience. Let us explore these levels together.

The Egyptian Level of Christianity:

The Egyptian level of Christianity is characterized by constant crying out for deliverance from oppression. Just as the Israelites in Egypt cried out for a deliverer, many Christians today find themselves in a similar state, constantly battling perceived demonic forces and seeking liberation. This level is marked by a focus on the devil and demons, rather than on the power and authority we have in Christ.

The Wilderness Level of Christianity:

Next, we have the Wilderness level of Christianity. This stage is marked by scarcity, lack, and constant dependence on God for basic needs. Just as the Israelites in the wilderness depended on God for manna and water, many Christians today live in a state of want and deprivation. Their prayers are often filled with complaints and requests for basic necessities. This level is characterized by a mentality of insufficiency and poverty.

The Promised Land Level of Christianity:

Finally, we reach the Promised Land level of Christianity. This is where believers experience abundance and prosperity, not merely through divine intervention, but through their own enterprise and social responsibility. In the Promised Land, prosperity is tied to productivity, obedience, and a partnership with God. Believers at this level are not parasites or beggars but partners with God in His work on earth. They understand the importance of hard work, social responsibility, and wise management of resources.

Moving Forward:

It is essential for us to move beyond the Egyptian and Wilderness levels of Christianity and embrace the Promised Land mentality. This means developing an appetite for life, being proactive, and taking responsibility for our actions. It involves anticipating God’s next move and being ready to act accordingly.


Friends, it is time to shift our focus from merely surviving to thriving. Let us move from being prayer warriors who only ask for deliverance to becoming productive partners with God in His mission. Remember, the Lord has given us all that pertains to life and godliness. Let us walk in that authority and abundance.

God bless you.

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