Unbelief in God Is Not Intellectual Elitism | Sometimes, It’s a Sign of Self-Delusion

I have seen God do great and mighty things that go beyond science, yet I use my brain because He gave it to me for a reason. I am not a typical Christian who shy away from thinking critically.

Believing in God vs. Intellectual Elitism:

This morning, I woke up thinking about the current generation that considers it intellectual elitism and spiritual sophistication to claim they do not believe in God. However, God anticipated such beliefs long ago and said, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.'” Let me ask you a simple question: Do you believe you came from a sperm cell and an egg from your mother? Have you ever seen a sperm cell or the egg that was ovulated? You believe in a DNA test without fully understanding what DNA stands for or knowing the scientists behind its discovery, yet you struggle to believe in God.

You believe a plane will fly and safely drop you at your destination, but you don’t believe in the God who gave the Wright Brothers the brains to invent the airplane. You believe in the value of paper money, whether it’s the dollar or the naira, created by someone else. You trust in the architectural layout of your retina and your eye’s function without questioning it.

The Wonders of Creation:

Have you ever wondered who teaches a baby to cry, smile, or suckle at its mother’s breast? How does a baby grow in the womb without crying, only to cry immediately after birth? The intricate design of the human body, from the blood supply to the intestines to the digestive system, is beyond comprehension. Different animals eat the same grass, yet their proteins taste different. The Sun, the Moon, the galaxies, and the Milky Way all point to an intelligent design, not a random Big Bang.

Misguided Intellectuals:

On social media, I often encounter individuals who deny God’s existence. Many of them lead cranky, frustrated lives. Even the great Professor Hawking, despite his contributions to science, ended his life in a tragic manner. This frustration might explain his disbelief in God. But do not think you’re more intellectually sophisticated or enlightened than those of us who believe in God. We’ve experienced His mystery and beauty firsthand, compelling us to believe in His existence.

African Gods and Historical Realities:

Some people romanticize African gods and goddesses, drawing from Egyptian literature. While these histories might be correct, ask yourself: When they came to enslave us, what did our gods do? Everything used to criticize and attack believers, from phones to data to the English language, was created by those whose God you refuse to worship. Our gods were here, yet we were colonized. This echoes the biblical battle between David and Goliath—a contest of divine power where David’s God triumphed.

The God of Israel:

Consider the nation of Israel, a small percentage of the Middle East’s landmass, yet undefeated and unconquered. Israel has won 22% of the Nobel prizes and excels globally. They transformed a desert into a paradise, while many African nations, despite their natural wealth, struggle with poverty. This should make you reconsider your intellectual stance against the belief in God.

There is God, and He is a living God. We have tasted His goodness and witnessed His greatness. Use your brain, think critically, and do not trouble God with trivialities. God bless you all.

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