Nigeria Is In A Very Tense Situation Now | Please Don’t Tear The Polythene Bag

Today I want to discuss a critical theory regarding our society’s current state, which I call the “Polythene Bag Theory.” This theory highlights the fragile nature of society and the pressures it faces.

The Polythene Bag Theory

Every society is like a polythene shopping bag, with its citizens and components like the goods inside. It can also be compared to a balloon—there’s a degree of pressure that it can withstand, but when that pressure becomes too great, it will burst.

Historical Context and Lessons

  1. France and the Statue of Liberty:
    • When France supported America in its War of Independence, it faced economic distress due to a poor grain harvest and the costs of war.
    • The French people, under great pressure, protested against the reckless monarchy and demanding clergy.
    • This unrest led to the French Revolution, significantly reducing the church’s influence in France.
  2. Soviet Union and Yugoslavia:
    • The Soviet Union eventually split into multiple republics as internal pressures became too great.
    • Similarly, Yugoslavia fractured into several countries due to overwhelming societal tension.

The Current Situation in Nigeria

Nigeria is facing immense pressure. Citizens are demanding their rights and pushing against the ruling elites who control the nation’s affairs. When the poor and marginalized are pushed to the wall, they will push back.

Recently, young men protested on June 12th, driven by hunger. They did not destroy property or obstruct traffic, yet their leader was arrested by an overzealous security agency. This reflects the pattern of oligarchies attempting to suppress dissent by targeting vulnerable individuals.

The Role of Religious Leaders

Some religious leaders are not helping the situation. While a Catholic bishop spoke out about the need for a minimum wage, other charismatic bishops are seeking relevance and employment from government officials, rather than addressing the needs of their congregations. They are adding to the pressure on the polythene bag by demanding tithes and offerings while people are hungry.

Advice to the Leadership and Security Agencies

  1. Listen to the People: Allow citizens to vent their frustrations, criticize, and express their views peacefully. Suppressing peaceful protests and arresting non-violent protesters will only increase tension.
  2. Handle Protests with Care: Avoid arresting bloggers and protesters who are not violent. Security forces should focus on real threats like terrorists and kidnappers.
  3. Be Cautious with Power: Those in power should remember that it is more intoxicating than opium. Power gained fraudulently can lead to underestimating the people’s strength.


Nigeria is at a critical juncture. The government must tread carefully to avoid an explosion of societal pressure. The “Polythene Bag Theory” serves as a warning: if the bag is overfilled, it will burst. The leadership should allow peaceful expression and address the root causes of the people’s dissatisfaction.

Let’s learn from history and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Listen to the people’s voices and act with wisdom and compassion.

I remain your friend, Dr. Charles Apoki. Stay safe, and God bless you.

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